Virtual Assistant

Keeping the Books Straight for Truckers

Virtual Assistant
  • How do I know whether my trucking business is turning a profit?
  • How do I setup an accounting system for my trucking business?
  • Is there a one-size-fits-all book-keeping system for trucking businesses?
  • I do not want to learn how to do accounting, do I need to hire an accountant?
  • Staying organized is not one of my strengths -is running a trucking business for me?
  • I think my truck revenue was over $250,000 last year, but I can't tell where it went!
  • How do I keep track of which shipper or broker owes me money?
  • I think the economy is busting my truck business, -maybe?
  • My spreadsheet is out of whack! I can't tell whether the numbers are real or not.
  • Is there a way I can stick it to the man and win in my small trucking biz?
  • Do you hate doing Taxes?
  • Do you know how much your trucking business made last month?
  • Can you provide accurate information about that load you hauled last month to Denver?
  • How much am I paying my owner-operators?
  • Do you have a clue who your customers are?
  • Do you need help keeping your bookkeeping up-to-date?

These are critical questions to ask yourself if you're in the trucking biz, and all too often we don't have straight answers to go along. It's hard enough to juggle all the responsibilities of running your business, let alone fit and keep all the puzzles in place.

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Manage TIME instead of rate/mile

To maximize profit, manage TIME instead of rate/mile.

Choose the load with the best average revenue/day


In the trucking business, fixed costs usually run about $80 - $100 per day. As an independent owner-operator you still need about $100 a day for personal, family and home expenses that you must meet whether you're loaded or not -even on weekends!